Monday 30 May 2011

The prints

I chose to only do the king card in a screen printing because of the long process. Screen printing was definitely an experience and I’m much more aware of the process and have built some basic skill in it. It took in total almost 4weeks to get a set of 20 prints completed. Furthermore I had 4 screens as I was advice to make the most of the process.

Screen one- outline of king card
Screen two- selected background patterns
Screen three- full background
Screen four- Block rectangle

The process I had to go through-

1-      set design on a3 paper
2-      trace design using brown liquid
3-      create pattern on tracing paper
4-      cut patterns to fit parts of the design
Screens developed
5-      Cut print paper, mark up
6-      Line up paper with screen and original tracing pieces
7-      Tape registration marks for all 4 screens
9- Create master print sheet
8-      Develop colour palette
9-      Mix inks and colours
10-  Set paper/ squeegee and ink
11-  Print
12-  Wash screen/ dry
13-  Set next colour

I got some really interesting and beautiful prints however some did go wrong but that taught me the complexity of the process.

I looked at art deco colour due to that was a design era I looked at previously concerning my hand designs and patterns.

In conclusion I learnt about the process most importantly and tried to experiment with different techniques with screen printing and it made me really appreciate the time it takes in the process .

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