Friday 8 April 2011

Week 3 Creating Imagery

I’ve realized I need to do some MAJOR imagery development now!!! I’ve finished the foundations of my research and now I need to develop designs to fit the gods/ goddess and festivals I’ve found out about. Also I want to develop imagery of funny aspects of the Indian culture. I really need to get on the ball and start experimenting. I’m trying not to think too far ahead on the final outcome but I need to produce lots of development work so then I can start putting it all together.

These pieces are observational drawing of a statue and card- using black and yellow ink. I’m trying to create symbolic yet simple designs. So you can tell who or what it is instantly without lots of detail

Loved the background on this experimental drawings of different gurus/ gods

I scanned a drawing I did of Guru Nanak and just cleaned it up and added a bit of color to the image. Looks more contemporary, this is the kind of style I want to go for or silhouette/ outline style.

This weekend I’m going to try out stencils and create lots of imagery based on the information I’ve found out. Then I will look at background patterns and further development but I need to get the core figures designed out first!!

From my previous research, vector art was dominant in the contemporary graphic designs, thus I've attempted this style with with the Guru Nanak designs and it works really well. The silhouette design is very effective I'm thinking of incorporating text in one of the shapes. 

1 comment:

  1. Hello,

    We run a charity initiative in Edmonton called Seva Food Truck ( We are in the process of establishing a free kitchen for the homeless, to be called Guru Nanak Free Kitchen Edmonton. We are wanting to use some of your artistry for the branding of our umbrella foundation, Guru Nanak Foundation for Humanity. Please contact us at Feel free to give me a call at 780-905-0515. My name is Jessy Nerval.

    We look forward to hearing from you.
